Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prison Break

For over two thousand, one hundred and sixty days we have been confined to this extremely harsh routine. Wake up early , restricted lunch hours, dinner, work until exhaustion sets in, bedtime and then repeat.  We are forced to sit in groups, of not more than thirty, on cold, hard, metal seats found in plain, square, bleak rooms with one window and one door. Upon a signal we march at the exact same time into the next square, meaningless room.  Strict, authoritative wardens, who are trained in various disciplines, deliver a never ending monologue which is often uninteresting and unstimulating. No running, no hats, and no chewing gum are permitted at any time in the hallways of this distressing institution. Each morning we are forced to watch broadcasts that attempt to brain wash us and control our thoughts. Permission is required to use the washroom facilities and drinking fountains at all times of the day. Any attempted contact with the outside world results in the confiscation of all cell phones which are returned only at the end of the day. Appropriate dress is required, language is carefully regulated, punctuality is a must and lateness is duly recorded. All personal belongings are stored in locked metal compartments on the wall and these small storage units must be shared between two or more people. Throughout the day we are required to listen, pay attention and refrain from friendly conversation in order not to fall behind. Sickness must be reported to the head office where consent to miss a day may or may not be given at a moment's notice.  Fees are required at the beginning of the year or else privileges will be withheld. If all goes as planned we will escape from this relentless schedule of drudgery…. Grade 12 Graduation will soon be here.

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